Thursday, February 22, 2007

Let it snow...

Should I be surprised? The whole city is covered by a thick layer or snow, and the de-icing is slowly making it safe to move from one part of the city to the other... But what a sight this morning when I woke up and walked to the office: not a trace, a completelly untouched snow, no cars in the streets, no bicycles and hardly anyone walking...
The beauty of it, the flakes being flown by the strong winds, was enforced by this peculiar feeling that there is hardly any sound.

No doubt about it, the city has a whole different flavour when it is completely paralyzed by snow... I had to leave my motorbike under a huge pile of snow (I am not that mad) and hope it will start again next time I put the keys in.
I must admit that despite being in my 4th year in Denmark, I still feel like it is always a new experience to be walking in the snow. Well, it is only recently that I really experienced the white layer that really stays and does not transform into a mushy muddy brown thing as soon as it touches the earth (well, spoiled French from the South: it only snowed 3 times in the 20 years I spend there... Beware, I might just enjoy starting a snow battle all over!)

To make even more special, the office was completely deserted and an email sent around to encourage everyone to work from home. Nice: here I am, sitting in a café next to my flat, working and drinking green tea... Oh, I am not pretending to be that productive, but it certainly is a nice break in the work routine.

Funnily enough, my mind is associating the full whiteness of the snow storm with images from the desert in Egypt... or last summer in Congo. I guess it could not be more in opposition...

Now it is all fun, but I really hope it to be gone soon: I hate being cold...


Blogger  said...

You have a most interesting blog.

Stay on groovin' safari,

11:54 PM  
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5:58 PM  
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11:39 AM  

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